Bild4 Home / Charity-Event meets Hawassa Child,,en,Ethiopia,,de,HawassaChild“,,en,Establishment of a department for pediatric surgery at the Hawassa university comprehensive specialized hospital,,de,HUCSH,,en,Ethiopia - in northeastern Africa - is the most populous landlocked country in the world,,de,Of the almost,,de,Millions of inhabitants are over,,de,Million below,,de,years old,,de,High infants are found particularly in rural areas away from the capital Addis Ababa,,de,and child mortality,,de,of child deaths under,,de,Years have been caused by surgical conditions such as accidents and congenital malformations,,de,There is currently less than in Ethiopia,,de,Specialists in pediatric surgery and only one center for pediatric surgery in the capital Addis Ababa,,de (Äthiopien) / Bild4
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