Tobias Schminke

Warum hast Du Dich entschieden Mitglied bei Charity-Event e.V. zu werden?

The concept of charity event E.V. convinced me. The association organizes the Westerwald events for the public and invests the proceeds in educational institutions here and around the world. Thus, the region is animated and simultaneously promoted the development of society elsewhere. Charity-Event e.V. has also boast an impressive record. This is the result of a great team spirit and a strong line. For all these reasons I decided, me at charity event E.V. with bring.

Since wann unterstützt Du Charity-Event e.V. und was war dein bisher prägendstes Erlebnis?

Ich bin seit 2014 Part of charity event e.V.. Most previously took me the tireless efforts of the Association for the night soccer tournament marked. You could see: which really is the heart.

Was schätzt Du besonders an der Arbeit von Charity-Event e.V. und hat Dich das Arbeiten persönlich weiterentwickelt, wenn ja, wie?

Charity-Event e.V. has made me familiar with local club work and social media marketing, as this was until I moved to Israel in a task pane. I can only be recommended charity event E.V. to support, as you acquire soft skills here, facilitating a life later.

Zu Deiner Person: Welche Themen sind Dir persönlich besonders wichtig und kannst Du diese mit CE umsetzen?

Education is the key to an economically successful, socially just and ecologically sustainable world. It is my personal conviction, that everyone has a responsibility, to generate educational opportunities. This applies in particular, if you could benefit from the education system itself. The refugee crisis is an impressive example for, that this responsibility does not end at national borders. These transnational responsibility takes charity event E.V. true and therefore I support them like.

Was würdest Du zukünftigen Mitgliedern mit auf den Weg geben?

Charity Event e.V. generates not only education, but also wet merry game, Fun and joy - especially if you actively contributes to, the co-what-jerking. Also: Let's go!

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